Curriculum & Daily Routine
We are open Monday-Friday 7:30 am-5:30 pm
(see our School Calendars page for more information).
Our Classrooms
Our Yellow Ducks are children ages 2-3½ and the Red Birds are 3 & 4-year-olds. We currently have two classrooms for children going on to kindergarten or TK the next school year; the Brown Bears and the Green Frogs. We use a play-based curriculum for each age group that covers Language & Literacy, Math, Science, Health & Safety, and Social-Emotional Development. The curriculum is set up in a way that gives the children the opportunity to interact with each other, ask questions and encourage exploration. It is not a kindergarten boot camp, but a program designed specifically for the needs of preschoolers.
Parents provide lunch (about 11:30) and enough food for the child to choose a morning snack and children will eat any leftovers for an afternoon snack. Our half-day children go home by 12:15 and all children who are full-day will have a rest period from 12:30-2:30, parents provide a blanket. After rest time the children will play together inside and outside and have an afternoon snack (parent provided) at about 2:30. Most of our afternoon is spent together in mixed-age groups. One of the advantages of mixed age groups is that each child can seek out his own level, his own speed, his own interests. He can interact with children who are developing the same skills or who have already mastered the skills in which he is working toward. Each child has the opportunity to receive help from others as needed and may act as the helper in return. Thus, the environment provides for the child to act as both learner and teacher.
Children who are not yet toilet trained are welcome, parents bring the diapers we provide the wipes. When it comes to potty training we have found there is a BIG difference between Ready and Curious! All the curiosity in the world will not prepare a child for successful potty training unless they are showing multiple readiness signs. As children begin showing the signs of readiness we can work with you and assist with potty training by offering extra reminders.
How do young children learn most effectively?
Studies have indicated that young children learn best when they:
Actively participate
Work at their own pace and in their own style
Talk with each other
Use real, authentic objects
Follow their natural curiosity
Experiment to find solutions to their own real problems
Choose what they want to do